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Using the Law of Attraction for Love & Relationships

Using The Law Of Attraction For Love & Relationships

How are the relationships in your life working for you? If you are longing to have more or better interactions with friends, family, or a special partner, the Law of Attraction is always working in the background to assist.

Researchers claim that people who are in meaningful relationships live longer and have more fulfilling lives than those who do not. They think that perhaps at some point in our evolutionary history, having a social network meant that we would not be alone. Being isolated could have been a threat to our physical survival.

As such, humans are social beings that seem to thrive on deep connections, intimacy, and positive emotional bonds to other people. Meaningful relationships offer support and purpose; they can give us a reason to be alive and be productive in the world.

So it makes sense that your mental health and happiness are often tied to the quality of your relationships.  Understanding the nature of the Law of Attraction, and how it works, is the foundation of finding true love, having harmony with family, or simply adding to your circle of quality friends.

Honing Your Relationship with Yourself

The most important relationship you have is the one with yourself. While we long for healthy and happy relationships with others, the Law of Attraction works with our inner world in order to know who to bring from the outer world.

You’re already having results with your relationships through the Law of Attraction, whether you realize it or not. The key is to fine tune and redirect your inner “signals” as needed to get the quality of the relationships that you want. If you’re a loving person, you will radiate love. 

The first step to understanding your inner world and changing the frequency of what you’re putting into the world is to ask yourself some of these questions:

  • What makes me happy?
  • What is important to me?
  • What energizes me?
  • What inspires me?
  • What is life about for me?
  • Are there feelings I’m trying to avoid?
  • What negative emotions do I spend time feeling? (Consider fear, anger, depression, anxiety, low self-worth)
  • Do I respect and love myself?
  • Am I being honest with others about what I want?

Spend some time with these answers. This information will be important to know because what you think about, you become. And what you become, you attract.

If you love and respect yourself, and you’re connected to things in life that bring joy, energy, and inspiration, then you’ll attract others who are doing the same.

If you feel that you do not deserve love, have low self-love, or are desperate for love, you may feel unlucky in love, or end up with the wrong friends, or with a partner who abuses and takes advantage of you. You may worry that the quality of these poor relationships is best that you will ever have. If this is the case, you can end up attracting more abusive or unloving people, and settle for crumbs.

Furthermore, if you lack in self-love, you can become so desperate for love that you become clingy and unintentionally demand that your partner provide you with the love you are not providing to yourself. This is a tall order to place on another human being. Healthy loving people do not need to make demands, and will often avoid this type of person.

Scarcity and lack thinking can block potential loving partners who are not on that same frequency of self-doubt.  Loving, confident people who have full hearts, are out enjoying the world and are attracted (through the Law of Attraction) to others who are confident and loving. Loving people have an endless supply of love for themselves, so there is plenty to offer and share with others. You are already capable of this type of love, and the key is to align your self love first.

Taking Care of Yourself First

It is critical that you take care of your own needs, health, and mental well-being before putting others’ needs in front. While it is important, and sometimes gratifying to give to others, you cannot do so at the cost of neglecting yourself.

If you are constantly tending to the needs of others first, then you can attract others who expect you to always tend to their needs and put your own needs on the back burner.  Some people with “care-taker” personalities suffer from burnout, feel misunderstood, and feel isolated or unappreciated. If you’re willing to always put other peoples’ needs ahead of your own, then you will attract people who always put their own needs ahead of yours. That’s how the law works.  

Using Gratitude for Manifesting and Healing

Here is a tool you can use right now!  Whether you’re searching for love, or suffering from a broken heart, using the tool of Gratitude can reset your internal thoughts and feelings, and hence your inner world frequency, which is the signal you send out to others.

Feeling appreciation for the people who do love you, or who have loved you in the past can bring you present moment joy. Dwelling on the small things that you appreciate about others, and yourself, can give a big boost to your mood. You can also include your pets as little souls who love you, and whom you love and appreciate as well.

Think about all of the things you can be grateful for with your current relationships. Be grateful for yourself. And if you’re suffering through a break-up, be grateful that you discovered the mismatch now, rather than later. Feel grateful that you’re now free to spend time building your own self-love and finding a better match from the hundreds of thousands of possible partners in the world.

If you’re in a relationship that’s suffering, recall what brought you together with your partner in the beginning, and dwell on those things. Refrain from being critical, blaming, or needing to be right about what is happening in the relationship. Suffering is caused by needing things to be different than they are. Take this time to allow “what is” right now. Stop resisting, and you’ll feel immediate relief. You don’t have to like it, but fighting leads to more suffering.

Recall that if you continue focusing on what is not working in your relationship the Law of Attraction will mirror more of that back to you. But when you’re focusing on the positive, and feeling grateful, then you will begin to see ways to have more of the same. Your partner will likely notice a shift in your energy as well.

This practice is also true for friends or family members.

Creating Your Soulmate 

This is a visualization exercise.

Get yourself into a comfortable position, close your eyes, and begin to take several slow deep breaths, in and out.

Now imagine yourself in the presence of your ideal soulmate, or partner. Feel relaxed, comfortable, and confident within yourself. Notice the same about the person you’re with. Imagine yourself being fully engaged with that person. You are at your best. You can be relaxed, and who you are, and so can your partner. Intensely feel what that feels like when you are together.

Imagine the sights, sounds, scents, and any feelings of touch. Imagine the chemistry between you. Allow this loving, romantic energy to fill every cell inside your body. The giving and receiving between you is flowing effortlessly all by itself. You plan to meet again. Spend several minutes with these thoughts.

When you’re ready, take a few deep breathes before opening your eyes and coming back into the present moment.

Love is Your Natural State

You may have temporarily forgotten what you knew when you were born; that you are a loving being. It is natural and necessary to love yourself, and to offer gratitude and appreciation for the world around you. You do not need to demand love, when it is readily available once you become love. Fill your heart with self-love, and take it into the world with confidence. Soon you will see other loving people begin to appear as the Law of Attraction works its magic.


In 2006, "The Secret" documentary emerged as a powerful discovery for changing lives through the Law of Attraction. I had already been manifesting my own wealth, health, and personal relationships for many years, and was excited that someone had finally documented the steps for positive change. Many people benefited from the teachings, though some still struggle to implement the Laws, and some simply have not yet been introduced to these concepts. The goal of this site is to help get you on the Path of living a life you absolutely love! Using these practical steps that anyone can easily apply, you can manifest your dream life. Let's begin, again.

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