How Brainwaves Play a Part in Successful Manifestation

Many people wonder if the electrical activity of our thoughts and brainwaves have an effect on successful manifestation. Everybody understands that our “state of mind” can affect our outcomes. But why is our state of mind so important for successful manifestation? Can we really attract ideas and opportunites to us by simply adjusting our brainwaves?
The study of the brain and brainwaves has become a bigger topic of interest to Law of Attraction followers. Brainwaves (neural oscillations) in animals were first observed by researchers around 1875. Around 1924, brainwaves in humans were studied. Since then, the fascination with brainwave activity has exploded.
We do know that brainwave activity and meditation are linked, and that successful manifestion uses meditation. Many believe that it is possible to be aligned with both our internal spirit and the collective consciousness when we experience lower frequency brainwaves. The state in which we enter lower frequency brainwaves can be attained through meditation, or through the use of brainwave measuring devices by which we can alter our thinking to slow our brainwave frequency. Brainwave meditation is probably the most immediate way to reach a state of relaxation because it takes us to a slower and deeper state of brain wave consciousness.
Brainwave Frequency and Neurons

Your brain is made up of billions of “neurons” that communicate with each other in your brain at all times. Neurons are specialized cells that convey information throughout your body about sensory and motor stimulus, such as light, sound, touch, and muscular activity. This chatter amongst neurons results in your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The resulting electrical impulse activity (waves) can be measured by electroencephalography (EEG), which uses electrodes placed along the scalp, outside of the head.
Brainwave frequency is correlated to the level of activity and busyness in our minds. The slower our activity, the slower the frequency of the waves. Our thoughts and emotions arise out of this electro-chemical activity, and brainwaves then become the result of whatever thoughts are happening at any given time.
Brainwaves are invisible and don’t actually exist as physical things. However, the oscillating waves are measurable and do produce a range of frequencies.
A common analogy is that of a musical note where a “low” frequency can be imagined as low bass drumbeat, and a “high” frequency can have the high pitch of a flute. And while brainwaves are not the source of our thoughts or feelings, they are giving us reflective feedback about what is happing in the brain as our thinking and feeling states change.
5 Brainwave Types & Meditation States
The main benefit of meditation is to get beyond our busy analytical mind. Distracted thinking and the Law of Attraction do not work well together. We cannot be simultaneously strategizing our to-do list and manifesting our dreams at the same time. Let’s understand the different brainwave states and how they correlate to our state of mind. Researchers know that meditation alters our brain activity, and the ability to reach different states improves with practice.
Gamma Brainwaves (31-100Hz)
These brainwaves are synced to the most active brain state, and they are the fastest measurable brainwaves. Gamma brainwaves are associated with intense focus and elevated consciousness.
Beta Brainwaves (16-30Hz)
In a state of typical alertness and concentration, your brain will experience Beta waves. While you’re reading, driving, or interacting with others, you are likely in this state of brainwave activity. Neural activity will be quite high as the communication in the neural networks assist you with the task at hand, including tasks that require cognitive responsiveness. In this state, the brain is functioning with a conscious analytical mind. Beta brainwaves can be broken down further into low, medium, and high levels.
Alpha Brainwaves (8-15Hz)
When you close your eyes, and your mind and body begin to relax, there is less information to process, and the inner mental activity takes predominance over what is happening outside of us. Alpha can signify a light meditative state where the brain enters into the slower Alpha brainwaves pattern. This is considered your wakeful resting state, and is a good starting place for beginners who meditate for their Law of Attraction practice. In this state, your brain moves from conscious analytical thinking into the subconscious realm of you limbic brain.
Theta Brainwaves (4-7.5Hz)
Theta brainwaves are associated with deeply relaxed attention. The body can go “to sleep” during this phase, but the mind remains aware. Benefits include: mental clarity, healing, restful sleep, creativity, hypnosis, nighttime dreaming, daydreaming, synchronization of the brain hemispheres, and even the “third eye” in yoga chakra work. This too is a desirable state for meditation and manifestation work.
Delta Brainwaves (0.1-3Hz)
The delta brainwave state is nirvana for mediators. Practitioners who can reach this state claim to experience a unified consciousness, and an infinite mind state. Delta brainwaves are also characteristic of deep, stage 3 non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep. Babies spend a large amount of time in this phase of sleep, and delta waves are the main wave types for infants. The most desirable state for accomplished mediators and manifesting is the deep Delta brainwave state.
Brainwave Training with Meditation
We are all capable of training our brains to reach different levels of brainwave states. Even though your brainwave frequencies are controlled by your involuntary (autonomic) nervous system, you can develop the skill of entering the meditative state, which can then control the frequencies of your brainwaves.
It is in this state that we can reprogram the subconscious and unconscious mind to manifest our dreams.
Here is a meditation exercise that you can do that will help you reach the alpha state and slowly move into theta and delta over time.
Find a quiet, comfortable location where you can sit undisturbed for at least 20 minutes. Eventually work your way up to 40-60 minutes. Allow your body to settle into a comfortable position while keeping your back straight, and then close your eyes.
Focus on your breathing. If you prefer to focus on something else such as a repetitive sound in the room, your heartbeat, or a word (mantra) in your mind, then those can work as well. As you work to settle your mind, it will want to wander. Having a focus (such as the breath) gives your mind a place to which it can “come back”.
Breath in. Breath out. As thoughts pop up, allow them to pass like clouds in the sky, and then bring your awareness back to your breath. You do not need to try to “not think”. Simply acknowledge that a thought has just interrupted, and then return to your breathing.
It’s normal to have thoughts and emotions surface. You’re not doing it “wrong” if this occurs. Simply come back to breath when this happens.
As you notice the activity of your brain slow down, you are entering into the alpha brainwave state. As you continue and become more proficient with your practice, you will move into the theta state. This meditation should have a very calming effect. You may find that this exercise magically seems to calm you during regular everyday activities.
In this state, you can use your thoughts to visualize what it is you want in your life.
The Law of Attraction and Infinity
As you spend more time with meditation that leads to the theta brainwave state, you can begin to feel the “infinite”. In this space, your outer world circumstances are only this present moment, and your boundless imagination can start the blueprint for new future realities. New ideas will flow to you and these ideas are the seeds of successful manifestation.
No one can explain how ideas find us. But if an idea has found you, it’s quite possible that your dreams and desires have already begun, and in this infinite place, you are unstoppable.
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